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Sustainable development: a priority

Beyond the definition of sustainable development, “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”, Chevallove works to regenerate ecosystems. Limiting environmental impact is no longer enough. It is now necessary to “restore and renew the systems on which we all depend, while also improving the capacity of these systems to restore and renew themselves more effectively”.

A family-run business, Chevallove’s values include authenticity, experimentation, and environmental, social and entrepreneurial benevolence.

Environmental kindness

Our products are always designed with local players, eco-designed to preserve and save resources. Each product creation is an opportunity to co-create with our customers (and horses!) in order to understand and respect their needs. Our corporate philosophy is based on the principles of the circular economy. “Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed” is our motto.

Social goodwill

Chevallove is a company with a social vocation, aiming to create revenues that will finance a humanist and meaningful dream: to offer a place where humans and horses can find well-being and serenity, and share together. For this reason, we have decided to partner with and financially support the Galahad organization, which protects those to whom we owe this family adventure, the horses.

Economic goodwill

Responsible sourcing is at the heart of our approach. For Chevallove, the creation of value must first and foremost contribute to the economic development and well-being of our communities. For example, our ingredients are extracted from local fields. What’s more, Chevallove also wants to share its entrepreneurial and family experiences and emotions to inspire future generations.

Because we believe in a better, fairer world, Chevallove is committed to :

  • To do everything possible to ensure that its products respect nature, preserve natural resources, and that the majority of its inputs come from recycling channels in order to reduce waste sent to landfill;
  • To donate 2% of its sales to non-profit organizations working to protect the welfare of equines;
  • To combat climate change and greenhouse gas emissions by sourcing locally, using short supply chains to limit the distances between raw materials and consumers.

Our sustainable development policy


The purpose of this policy is to affirm Chevallove’s position on sustainable development. It specifies how the company intends to apply its principles, in order to maximize the positive impact on the environment and combat climate change, while improving equity, inclusion and quality of life for horses, humans and communities.

As such, it defines a frame of reference for :

  • Align Chevallove’s practices with the principles of sustainable development;
  • Adopt Chevallove’s strategic orientations and objectives in favor of eco-design and the circular economy;
  • Set the frame of reference for other company policies (e.g. responsible sourcing policy);
  • Define the implementation mechanisms, roles and responsibilities for the application of this policy, and communicate them in a perspective of accountability;
  • Raise awareness among Chevallove’s stakeholders, particularly customers and suppliers, of the importance of the company’s sustainable development objectives and commitments;
  • Encourage the participation of Chevallove’s stakeholders in its activities.


Chevallove adheres to the UN principles of Sustainable Development. In addition, we consider the following principles in all our decisions and operations:

  1. Continuous improvement of social, economic and environmental performance::
    • The planning, design and implementation of its projects;
    • Its purchasing and production processes;
    • Its relations with stakeholders, i.e. organizations, groups or individuals affected by Chevallove’s activities.
  2. Inform and mobilize its customers and suppliers so that they adhere to the principles of sustainable development and respect its requirements;
  3. Maintain its efforts to prevent and reduce pollution, and minimize its ecological footprint, notably through its environmental management system;
  4. Meet or exceed legal requirements and other commitments relating to the environmental, social and economic aspects of its activities, products and services, according to available resources;
  5. Work in partnership with other sustainable development stakeholders at local, provincial and federal levels;
  6. Contribute to local and regional socio-economic development;
  7. Promote diversity, inclusion and solidarity in all spheres of its activities;
  8. Demonstrate ethics and transparency.

Responsibilities and implementation

The President-Founder is responsible for the development, implementation and monitoring of the environmental management system, and assumes responsibility for updating this policy and supporting its implementation.

This policy will be implemented through the following mechanisms:

  • Elaboration of several thematic policies, including:
    • Responsible procurement policy;
    • Donations policy;
    • Code of Ethics.
  • Development of an action plan with short-, medium- and long-term objectives;
  • Assessment of Chevallove’s social and environmental performance:
  • Creation of a dashboard with key performance indicators;
  • Monthly review by the management committee.
  • Monitor all social and environmental innovations, test them, and integrate them into our processes where possible;
  • Implement a responsible communications strategy:
    • Publication of the Sustainable Development policy on the Chevallove website and social networks;
    • Raising awareness of sustainable development issues among customers, suppliers and partners through blogs, articles, conferences and booths at equestrian events.
  • Apply the 3RV-E hierarchy (reduce, reuse, recycle, recover and dispose of in that order);
  • Collaborate with all our stakeholders to improve the social and environmental impacts of our products.


Chevallove must measure its sustainable development performance on an annual basis by presenting its sustainable development report to stakeholders.

Complete policy